Pebble smartwatch has been capturing plenty of attention around the web in a very short amount of time. It launched on Kickstarter about a week ago with a funding goal of $100,000. With 31 days remaining for the project, it already broke a new Kickstarter record: $3.77 million in funding.
Pebble is a very interesting concept that will now certainly become a reality. The headline feature is its ability to connect to an iPhone or Android device via Bluetooth to gather notifications from different services and present them to you right from your wrist. You can see incoming caller ID, email notifications, calendar alerts, Facebook and Twitter notifications, weather alerts, and alarms. You can also use the watch to control the music on your smartphone or track running, cycling, and golfing statistics. Plus, Pebble will soon release an SDK to open the doors for endless possibilities of apps from developers.
Believe it or not, it also works as a standard waterproof watch. Pebble has a unique 144×168 e-paper display with plenty of gorgeous watchface options ranging from text to digital to analog and more.
It has over 26,000 backers on Kickstarter and at this rate, it might be able to crack $10 million in funding before the project closes on May 18th. The standard jet black Pebble watch will require a minimum pledge of $115, though if you were one of the first 200 backers (you probably weren’t) you snagged one for just $99. There’s more expensive pledge options as well for those looking for different colors or to buy in bulk. The top-tier is $10,000 for one hundred watches in any color and that alone brought in 70 percent of the original goal.
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