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Kim Kardashian may be able to boast a hefty bank balance and a celebrity boyfriend, but the reality TV star has found herself a pariah among the Hollywood A-list, after Kanye's attempts to ingratiate his girlfriend into his all-star gang of pals failed embarrassingly.And perhaps growing increasingly aware of his relationship's effect on his fame, despite Kim being banned from attending the recent Met Gala Ball by Vogue's Anna Wintour, Kanye went ahead and attended without her."She was so upset that he went to the Met event without her," spilled a source. "Kim felt that he didn't ask for a ticket for her strongly enough and just accepted it when he was told there was no room."

Having seen her former pal Paris Hilton's star fade so abruptly, pals say Kim is aware that her fame has a shelf life no matter how much personal information she divulges on her reality TV show, and is keen to consolidate her place among the A-list."It's why she reacted so coldly when Kris Humphries told her that in a few years ‘no one will care about you'," spilled a pal. "She saw what has happened to Paris and it scares her that pretty soon the focus will be on the next big thing in reality TV. She knows that she has to make a bigger fame grab sooner rather than later."

And top of her list of ways to claw her way onto the A-list has been to ensure she gets close to Kanye's close friends Beyonce and Jay-Z."She'll do whatever she can to hang out with those guys," spilled one mole. "She does really like Kanye," spilled one. "But she also likes what Kanye comes with - a bona fide introduction to the likes of Beyonce, Jay-Z and Gwyneth Paltrow."However, despite new baby girl, Blue Ivy, taking up all her time, sources say the Crazy In Love star has made it clear she can't be associated with someone who came to prominence via a leaked intimate home movie."Beyonce hangs out with Chris Martin and Gwyneth - it's a totally different scene to the Hollywood club circuit," said an insider. "Beyonce prizes her privacy - it's why her marriage to Jay-Z was kept completely under wraps. Whereas Kim's short-lived marriage to Kris was a complete media circus. B thought it was tacky. She's not a fan of reality TV either."