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Brad Pitt lifted a glass of sparkling wine and toasted Angelina Jolie as the couple’s friends and family looked on at Hollywood’s Magnolia restaurant. The pair was there Dec. 8 to salute Angelina’s directorial debut, but Brad and Jolie also appeared to delight in their own much more private news: They want a new baby in 2012.Now that the youngest of their brood of six children, twins Knox and Vivienne, are 3, Angelina, 36, is ready to expand her family. “She jokes about triplets constantly. And she’s not a big joker, really,Jolie and Brad have talked at length. There’s no doubt in anyone’s mind that she’ll have another child.”

Although the couple is playing coy with the media, it’s difficult not to see their delight. “Nothing is planned... I could end up pregnant,” Angelina Jolie recently said. Brad, too, also let slip about the family’s desire for more children. “I don’t know that we’re finished. I don’t know,” he said on 60 Minutes.Certainly, the Jolie-Pitts are in a unique position to be able to afford as many children as they want, but the confidante says that though money isn’t an issue, Jolie may be taking a risk with her health: “It’s very serious. She’s had two very high-risk pregnancies. Both times, her blood pressure shot up, and she developed gestational diabetes. I don’t know if she could survive a third round.”

But Brad, 47, is caught up in the thrill of becoming a dad again, and Angelina, who is used to getting exactly what she wants, plans to become pregnant despite any potential problems. “Angelina is determined,” says another insider. “She is dead set on giving the kids a baby brother or sister as soon as possible.”